A beautiful garden always attracts and a gardening tool is something that every gardener, a hobbyist or a professional, craves for. Be it vintage gardening stuff, garden supplies, gardening books or tools, gifts like these are always high on people’s wish lists and hence never fail.

What we can’t say with words, a gift says. If your mother, wife, sister or friend has a flare for gardening and you are confused about what to gift her, then an antique English lead urn or a pot with fresh herbs for the kitchen garden would be the perfect gift idea for her. A kneeler, a pair of beautiful and durable gardening gloves or a pretty gardening apron would be a choice present as well. For a person having a thing for unconventional gardening, vertical gardening pieces, chicken coops, planters and stylized raised platforms, beekeeping mechanisms and homemade kits are awesome options which are always loved.

An assortment of old fashioned bushel baskets, a gardening hat, striking garden sculptures and a set of spectacular lily bulbs are unconventional gifts that few gardeners expect but every one of them come to love one they are presented with them. A few thoughtful gifts for the garden would include a gift consultation with a reputed gardener or a paid trip to a horticulture firm where a person can acquire useful knowledge for his or her garden and learn new techniques too. If a person you know loves gardening and is a voracious reader too then no gift would be better for that person than a book on gardening. Several great volumes and encyclopaedias exist in this domain written by prolific authors which make a good read.

Gardening equipment given as a Christmas present or a souvenir is a hit with every gardener because it is something very common and handy that no one can ever have enough. They not only make the process of gardening an easy and happy experience but they are a collector’s delight too. Moreover it is a myth that they are instruments without appeal. Branded tools specially designed by skilled designers give a tinge of class to a gift of extreme utility. How many ever tools one possesses, a pocket pruner of top quality, leaf shredder, collectibles and antique gardening tools are always welcome!

Having posh stuff always attracts and this holds good for gardening too. Top rated gifts can be branded jam pans, porcelain berry baskets, hand thrown fermentations pots, durable designer jars, gathering baskets, herbal garden soaps which are tools for gardening that radiate care and passion for gardening in a classy way.

Be it New Year’s Eve, Christmas celebrations, a birthday or a casual party, a gardening gift can be presented and accepted with delight everywhere. The options available are too many which makes the choice of a classic gift that pleases pretty easy.

Gifts are much more than just remembrances or tokens of appreciations. They are expressions of emotions that go beyond words to express how important the person receiving them is to us. And hence every woman who plays a pivotal role in our lives, who defines us, deserves to be given the best gift to let her know that our world is perfect because of her.

Gifts should radiate class as much as they should express feelings. Gifts for women should reflect their tastes and it should be evident that the person gifting them understands her well. The ideal gift would be one that is simple and yet special like a book for a mother who loves reading but rarely finds time to do so or a beautiful pearl necklace for a wife to remind her how beautiful she still is or a copy of the movie that your girlfriend loves. A cute pet that would be her companion would be a perfect gift if your mother loves pets and always wanted to have one.

The first person that shares our joys and sorrows is our mother. She is our pillar of strength and guiding light. When it comes to gift ideas for mothers the best gift would be a designer greeting card telling her how special is she for you and a day’s pampering at a beauty salon to give back a small bit of the care that she showers you with everyday. A dress that she always wanted to own would be an instant hit too.

Dining and spending some quality time at a restaurant with an ambience that attracts would be a good plan too be it a mother, a wife, a sister or a close friend that you are planning it for. Good food along with great music at a nice place always clicks. Gift ideas for women who love accessories are many and easy to translate into reality. Be it classy ear rings, designer clutches and purses, funky tops with quotes expressing your feelings or a colourful set of bangles, everything is appreciated immediately because it shows that you understand her like no one else ever does. Gardening gifts that would help her pursue her old wish to have a beautiful garden of her own would be a wonderful choice too.

Always remember one thing when you are too perplexed with gift ideas women on this earth loves chocolates and flowers. A perfect anniversary gift would be to leave a set of notes especially for her to lead her to a table set with her favourite flowers and chocolates. A personalized poem would be an added star.

A woman sees a lot more in a gift than a mere souvenir. What matters for her are the care and the effort that you put in selecting for her the best gift on the Earth that she can relate to. 
As you age stress from loneliness or life changes can impair your immune system and make you susceptible to disease. Using medications may be helpful short term but sometimes it becomes apparent that a person under severe stress requires help at an emotional level. Gardening has therapeutic benefits for older people, more so when they make a vegetable garden with specially adapted garden tools where after they can benefit from the nutrition. There is no doubt that when an older person is deeply relaxed, certain positive physiological changes occur.

For seniors, the gentle exercise and enjoyment gardening offers, brings about a reduced heart rate, better digestion, lower blood pressure and a calmer breathing rate. Gardening contributes to improving the oxygen uptake of all cells in the body, and for the person in a wheelchair, the person with disabilities as well as for the senior who feels inadequate, gardening improves self esteem as well as feelings of well-being . However there are 10 things every senior- and disabled gardener should know about the use of gardening equipment and simple tips and advice on being safe, comfortable and pain free in the garden.

What Every Senior Gardener Should Know

Wearing sunscreen and a hat and working in the garden early in the morning or in the late afternoon is advised. For seniors who can't get out sideto garden, basins of varying sizes can be used to cultivate plants and make gardening easier.

Seniors should have cuts and insect bites attended to immediately and only walk on non-slip walkways.

Special, light weigh gardening equipment can prevent wrist pain. Specialized spades and forks for instance are designed to position the wrist at an angle so that stress is reduced.

Wearing protective gardening gloves as well as protective shoes is important.

Seniors should steer away from power tools and use lightweight gardening tools with ergonomic designs that require less effort and which are easy on the hands. Sharp tools also require less effort. Some garden tools are specially designed for the elderly and come with attachable extension poles.

Today, hanging baskets are available with pulley systems to raise and lower them for people in wheelchairs and for the elderly who have trouble standing.

Benches placed in shady areas where older folk can sit down, have a jar of water make it easy to get their breath back in between weeding, pruning and digging activities.

Gift ideas for women to make gardening easier might include a useful garden apron with handy storage pockets or a pouch to carry small garden tools with ease.

Copper plant markers also make great gifts for seniors, particularly for those with Alzheimers. Use a permanent marker to write the name of the plant on it to remind seniors of the names of the plants they love tending to.

Raised garden beds are an excellent idea for disabled and elderly gardeners who find bending difficult. These garden beds are made from things like car tires, sleepers or bricks.

Happily Ever After

Gardening is one of life's simple pleasures in a hectic world, and seniors as well as those with disabilities needn't let pain and stress deprive them of the pleasure of nurturing flowers and vegetables. For a wonderful sense of well-being, seniors living with high blood pressure and arthritis can enjoy the pleasure of pain-free gardening by making some simple modifications.

Getting older and even being in a wheelchair certainly doesn't mean putting such a pleasurable pastime on hold. By making a few adjustments seniors can once again perform tasks in the garden and start benefiting from this healthy activity.
So many people struggle every day in their attempts to lose weight.  We start and stop gym programs and jump on and off the diet bandwagon.  Without consistency none of these approaches will work.  If burning calories was enjoyable we might just have better luck.  Edible gardening is a powerful and pleasurable way to lose weight while beautifying your home and life.

What is Edible Gardening?

Edible gardening involves growing fruits and vegetables in one’s garden for consumption. It is the practical integration of food plants with a decorative or ornamental setting. Plants such as blueberries, lettuces and fruit trees can all be part of your consumable garden. This type of approach can enhance a garden through the provision of a unique ornamental component while at the same time providing additional aesthetic, health, and economic benefits. Edible gardening is a mixture of beauty and utility, and is one of the perfect gift ideas for women whose husbands, friends or family members love gardening.

Edible gardening, however, does not have to be limited to edible plants and vegetables only. In fact, filling the garden with edibles can lead to an overabundance of food, as well as work and time. Instead, this method should be about careful planning and balance between herbs, fruits, vegetables and decorative plants in a way that a garden is practical, bountiful, and visually pleasing.

Weight Loss Benefits of Edible Gardening

People can get in or stay in shape by participating in edible gardening. The use of gardening equipment such as hoes, shovels and wheelbarrows requires exertion comperable to working out in a gym or lifting weights. It is a complete form of exercise that gives one an enormous sense of accomplishment. This type of exercise provides a major opportunity for overweight gardeners to lose weightas they plant mulch and till all summer long. As the crops in the garden ripen, less work is required. However, during the peak gardening times of April and May, one can easily spend 5 or more hours a day in the garden, all the while doing more squats and hauling more weight than could have been done in a gym.

The other weight loss benefit of edible gardening comes in the form of the produce. The fresh fruits and vegetables harvested in your garden provide a healthy addition to your diet. This means with the consumption of healthy vegetables, you stand a good chance of reducing your caloric intake and thus losing weight.

Mental Health Benefits of Edible Gardening

We all have busy and stressful schedules and are in increasing danger of burning out should we fail to find a way todischargingtension. Edible gardening can provide an avenue for relieving stress as digging in the dirt and being outside is a cathartic diversion from life’s stresses. In addition, gardening is a meditative and solitary experience that can definitely contribute to mitigating anxiety.

Gift ideas for the Gardeners in Your Life

If you cannot figure out what to buy for the active gardeners in your life, there are any number of gift ideas to consider. Every gardener should wear a pair of gloves at one time or the other while working. A good pair of gardening gloves would make a perfect gardening gift and one that will be appreciated and used extensively. The gloves you select should be designed specifically for a man or woman’s hand depending on the sex of your doneeand have reinforced fingertips to aid touch sensitivity.  A strong, lightweight wheelbarrow is another good suggestion. Edible gardeningor any other gardening for that matter requires a wheelbarrow to transport equipment, plants and other necessary items. Be sure to purchase one with a large wheel for ground clearance and lightweight materials to ease strain on the body.  Gifting wheelbarrow to your favorite gardener is a well thought idea that will assist in streamlining his time in the garden.

Edible gardening is the weight loss killer app offering both a good calorie burn and nutritious food.  Adding a few gifts for the garden in the form of edibles benefits both your home and your waistline. 
Repeated use of your gardening tools will dull their edges and soil moisture combined with minerals contained in the ground will stain metal and wood surfaces. If you are like most gardening buffs, your gardening equipment will probably grow dull and worn from frequent use. Should this happen there is no need to purchase new gardening tools.  A little elbow grease and know-how will have you back in the dirt in no time.

Before you begin scrubbing, your first task will be to pull together a few essential suppliesto get the job done right including:

·         To remove surface dirt and stains get an environmentally friendly cleaner, water (garden hose will work) and worn rags for wiping and polishing.

·         To remove tough stains use a plastic scrubbing brush, steel wool pads, wire brush and if available a power drill fitted with a rotary brush attachment

·         To sharpen metal tools, a solid metal file and sharpening stone

·         To lubricate and maintain the cleaned finish linseed or cooking oils work well.

When cleaning any tools for gardening make sure you use protective eyewear, gloves and a dust mask.

Cleaning Your Tools

Begin the restoration process by using your brush, detergent and water hose to remove any lose dirt and debris from your gardening tools. Once the equipment is clean dry them off and let them sit overnight to completely dry. Executing the following steps properly require a completely dry set of tools.

Rust Removal

After you are sure the tool is dry, use your wire brush and steel wool to remove any rust that has collected.  A drill mounted rotary brush will help you clean out those hard to reach spots and will speed the job. Limit grating or focused grinding as this will weaken the integrity of the metal and reduce the useful life of your gardening equipment.

Smooth Handles

Use sandpaper to smooth wooden handles and remove painful splinters in the process. Once finished use your rag to remove any residual dust produced by during the sanding process.

To the Point

Maintaining a sharp edge on your tools reduce the load on your body by helping the tools penetrate the soil. Without removing too much of the metal surface use your file to sharpen the edges of your tool.  With hedge clippers, large sheers and axes you should use a sharpening stone and oil to smooth out the edges. 

Pretty as a Picture

Now that your tools are like new again, apply oil to both the metal blades and wooden handles of your tools.  Be sure to remove any excess oil after thoroughly rubbing in the application. Once this process is complete, you will be surprised by the quality of the result and the change remaining in your wallet.